namma chennai= our chennai।The tamil letters read kaa-pi..which is how "coffee" is pronounced in tamil.

this is just one of the many temples.. seriously, there are just too many of them..!
there's something about chennai... that's special..
maybe it's the jasmine flowers in every female's hair... the heavenly smell of flowers assaulting your olfactory senses at the hundreds of flower shops , and also every time you walk by a lady... it feels like you're walking in a garden of jasmine flowers rather than a city...
or perhaps the temples at every corner...
the overwhelming religiousness.. specifically in hinduism which is one of the first things you notice... by way of all the foreheads decorated with chandanam, vibhooti or some other form of'll hardly ever find a plain forehead anywhere...
super stardom next to godliness...the fan clubs at every corner... devotees of the magnificent rajnikanth,skilled kamal hassan,charismatic vijay,muscular surya... and cherubic namitha... one often wonders whether this love for film stars is misplaced but when you find people at a bar arguing about their respective stars like little fan boys, you realize that they really love them... and respect them too.. which is more than what can be said about fans in other places...
of course they love their language to death... but i think they have reason for that too.. i have often heard people exclaiming about the beauty of Tamil.. add the great poets and philosophers and there's sufficient reason for their devotion o the language..
the food.. of course now where do i begin..?! sadly, the majority of the city is vegetarian but i adjusted quite quickly and compensated by gorging on masala dosas and chilli porathas.. sadly the north indians who have shifted here seem to still eat only their same old food... what is it that makes people so reluctant to change..?
wherever they go, they want the same type of food and culture that they grew up on.. to the extent that i know people who, even when they go on vacation to a place, eat the same food they get at home instead of having the local cuisines..
sadly, this tradition is more prevalent in Indians....
anyways, i seem to have gone completely off my rocker..
i better sign off before i start to write too much.! this was supposed to be about only Chennai, anyways... so bye! and congratulate me for my first deviant..!